“Get to work,” said the husband to his recently delivered wife.

“Get to work,” said the husband to his recently delivered wife.

“Get to work, how long can you sit on my neck?! I slave away every day like a cursed man, and you’re resting at home!”

And don’t tell me you’re watching the kids! Your mom helps you, and the oldest is going to school soon, no need to watch him.

Find a job and finish your maternity leave already.

Dima met Liza when she was twenty, he was five years her senior. The young man had graduated from college, had a promising specialty in the gas industry, and a good job with growth opportunities.

Liza was in her fourth year of university, studying for a government service degree.

The young people first met in the company of mutual friends. It was a noisy party with lots of people, but Liza was bored on the side.

She generally didn’t like such gatherings of unfamiliar people, only came because her friend had invited her.

“”Girl, why aren’t you having fun with everyone else? Let’s get acquainted, we don’t do boring here,”” the young man said, not letting her spend the evening in silence. “”I’m Dima, and you?””

“”I’m Liza, yeah, I’m not bored, just a little dislike all this noise and fuss.””

“”Honestly, me too, but I wanted to get a little distracted, my head’s filled with work only,”” Dima explained. “”How about we break away from the group and go for a walk?””

The weather is great outside right now, we can walk down the avenue.

Liza agreed and gladly went for a walk with her new acquaintance.

They spent a wonderful evening: wandering through the brightly lit streets of the city, eating ice cream, listening to musicians, talking a lot.

They met several more times: Dima was always the initiator, inviting her to the movies, to cafes, or just for a walk. Then he unexpectedly invited her to a family celebration: Liza was embarrassed and started to refuse:

“”Maybe you should go without me? Your relatives will gather, and I don’t know anyone. They might say you brought someone unknown.””

“”Don’t make things up, let’s go together. I’ve wanted to introduce you to my mom, dad, and other relatives for a long time. They all wonder where I constantly disappear to, it’s time to reveal the cards.””

Despite a considerable amount of embarrassment, Liza had a great evening. They celebrated the anniversary of Vladimir Petrovich, Dima’s father.

Margarita Semyonovna, the mother of the young man, didn’t leave the girl’s side, introducing her to everyone, trying to cheer her up.

By the end of the evening, Liza was dancing with the celebrant and happily enjoying the cake.

Somehow, unnoticed, the young people became a couple, and a year later – they got married. After the wedding, they lived in Dima’s apartment – his parents had gifted him a two-bedroom apartment upon his graduation.

The apartment was rented out for several years, and then the newlyweds moved in. They brought it up to order, did some cosmetic repairs inside, and moved in.

Half a year later, Liza became pregnant, and the couple prepared for the arrival of their first child. In early summer, just having received her diploma, Liza gave birth to a boy. They named him Roma.

Family life went on: Dima was promoted to the head of the department, so his salary increased.

There was no need for Liza to work, she stayed at home and took care of raising their son.

When Roma was a little older, she enrolled him in a sports section, then in English. There were enough chores: she needed to pick up the child from kindergarten, take him to classes, and also cook and clean the house.

Roma was five and a half years old, Liza got pregnant with their second child. They had been planning to add to the family for a long time, so they were happy about the future addition and eagerly awaited the arrival of the baby.

One day, Dima came home and announced to his wife:

“”Honey, I have to go on a business trip. For a long time, about six months to a year.””

“”Dima, how can this be? Our child will be born soon, you’re just going to leave me alone?

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